
What’s (Really) in My Hospital Bag

It’s official, our hospital bags are packed and ready to go. Up until last night, we had created a list of everything we thought we needed, ordered what we didn’t have, gathered what we did, but it was all just sitting in a cardboard box. Talk about glamorous, right?! But hey, you guys know I keep it real around here. Now that we’re officially packed, it’s taken the “realness” of becoming parents to a new level. Honestly, I still don’t think it’s really sunk in, but as I laid in bed last night, looking over at Alex, I just kept saying…”we made a tiny human and she’s about to be here!” Cue all of the soon-to-be mom feels, but I can hardly believe it’s almost time!

When I started thinking about packing, I realized that I really had NO idea what to pack. What did the hospital provide? What would I need? Alex? Baby girl? So, I googled. Some things were helpful and some not so much, but the most helpful tips actually came from you guys! I posted on Instagram asking what we would need and all of my momma readers pulled through! Y’all sent me so many amazing suggestions and thoughts about what we would need, what we didn’t need, and even tips for the best way to pack. After reading all of your suggestions (a big thank you to everyone who messaged me), I realized that while most lists will you tell you to pack a pretty robe, they tend to leave out the nipple cream lol. So, today’s post is what I’m REALLY packing in my hospital bag in hopes of helping you guys! Let’s just call it – the good, the bad, and the pads (although it seems like they’ll provide pads at the hospital, and really you just need to make sure you’re stocked up at home).

We started by laying everything out, and then took a tip from one of you (that I LOVED), and put everything into ziplock bags. That way, when we need to grab toiletries or baby’s going home outfit we don’t have to rummage through the whole bag because let’s be honest, it’s best to make things as easy as possible at first!


Wallet – for drivers license and insurance card.

Toothpaste, toothbrush, floss and my grill (aka. my retainer) 

Razor – maybe wishful thinking here, but just incase lol

Body wash 

Extra pads – a lot of you guys have messaged me saying the ones at the hospital aren’t great!

Chapstick – my favorite is Aquafor, you can get it at Target!

Coconut oil – I’ve been using this one in particular to hydrate my body for the past few months and I’m completely obsessed. Plus, it’s 100% organic, so when my little one is laying on me I won’t have to worry about any chemicals from other types of lotion.

Skincare – I’m packing just the bare minimum here. My cold cream (to remove makeup), Tula Face Wash, Day and Night Cream and Eye Cream. I have a discount code for 20% off Tula – COURTNEYNEW20 (case sensitive). For my full skincare routine, see this post

Makeup bag –  A few essentials so that I can look half-way presentable and feel like a real human. My must-haves include: This CC-Cream, concealer, bronzer, blushclear brow gel, eyelash curler and mascara (my new favorite, this stuff is AMAZING).

Hair stuff – Extra hair ties, hair brush, and travel size items: shampoo, conditioner, leave-in detangler, and dry shampoo (because well, #momlife).

Robe – Packing a pretty one for photos and a dark and cozy one to wear when I’m lounging and nursing baby. I hear things get not-so-pretty, so dark is good.

Flip flops – for the shower

Slippers– Whatever your favorite comfy slippers are – comfort is key!

Socks – Two pairs. Again, the cozier the better. Personally, I love these!

Nursing Bra

Cozy outfit – to wear home; nursing shirt + comfy postpartum leggings

Boppy – for nursing! I have this one.

Nipple Cream 

Towel – I hear the towels at the hospital aren’t the best.


Granny Panties – something high and comfy!

Extension Cord 

Phone Charger

Blanketthis one is ultra soft and so cozy!

Essential Oils – I’m thinking lavender and maybe peppermint, but I haven’t fully decided yet.

Gift for the nurses

Wooden Rolling Pin – A sweet lady at the gym, gave me THE best tip! She suggested bringing an old school wooden rolling pin (like for rolling out pizza crust etc.) for when Alex needs to rub certain parts of my back and his hands get tired.


Infant carseat – You’ll want to have this already installed and ready to go!

Going home outfit – I’m packing two because #firsttimemom over here! Complete with beanie, because apparently all babies are cone heads at first lol.


Socks – two pairs

Swaddles – the hospital will have some, but I’m bringing two of ours. One for a potential family pic (just something candid) and the second to wrap baby girl in and have my parents bring home for Berklee and Chase. I’ve read that it’s great to wrap baby in a swaddle or blanket and bring it to the pups so that they can smell her scent.





Shorts + a tee for sleeping

Outfit or two for hospital days

Fuzzy socks

iPad with movies – in case we have a long labor

Camera – for some candid pics


















