
Kinsley at 17 Months + Her Spring Wardrobe

So far 17 months has been both my favorite and the most challenging age so far. She’s growing at lightening speed, saying new words everyday, giving the sweetest kisses and is my favorite little lunch date. She’s also nearly impossible to catch, loves to “reject” her food by throwing it everywhere and of course favors the word no (lol). Let’s just say she has no lack of personality and I wouldn’t have it any other way. You guys also seem to love a good Kinsley update (favorites, schedules etc.) and I love writing them and being able to look back on where we were at each milestone.


Her schedule is much more simple these days since she is down to one nap a day. If you’re new around here, you can find her 4 and 6 month schedules here.

7am – She usually wakes up around 7 and has milk.

8am – Breakfast. Breakfast is definitely our hardest meal. She’s never liked the typical suspects: eggs, bananas etc. but lately she’s been loving waffles dipped in yogurt, fruit, muffins, dry cereal and the occasional breakfast turkey sausage.

8:30 – 11am – Play

11am – Lunch.

12pm – 2pm – Nap. We’ve now moved from 2 naps to 1 a day and it seems to be working much better at this age! It’s also way easier to do things like errands, lunch, and actives with friends. Sometimes I put her down at 11:45, sometimes its 12:30, but roughly around 12 depending on our schedule that day.

2-4pm – Play, errands, playdates etc.

5pm – Dinner.

6pm – Bath and books. She is back to LOVING books and asks Alex and I to read them repeatedly. She loves walking over to her book shelf, picking the book she wanted and saying “pea, pea, pea” (please), until we read it again. It’s one of my favorite times of the whole day. I always leave my phone and any work downstairs and we spend quality time as a family.

6:30 – Bedtime. We brush her teeth, turn the sound machine on and it’s time for bed.


I love to take Kins on mommy daughter shopping days. Usually, they consist of me grabbing her a bunch of cute new things for her at a rapid rate (and maybe me), while she snacks in the stroller and then stopping for a girls lunch after. We love going to Nordstrom because it’s such a one stop shop for both Kins and I. I can grab my current favorite blush, fresh white tee (these are my favorite) and spruce Kinsley’s wardrobe up for spring. Oh, and when I say spruce it up, I mean get her a totally new wardrobe because she’s officially outgrown everything from the previous size. Real talk…how do they grow so fast?!

I shared a mini “shoe haul” for Kinsley a few weeks ago, so I thought it would be fun to put together a post rounding up a few things we recently picked up and are loving via Nordstrom.

Other favorites.

  1. This cute book – she LOVES this one! It’s cute and mama likes the thick pages so she can’t rip them.
  2. Rubber place mat – Makes meal time so much easier when she can’t dump everything on the floor, lol!
  3. Bath toys – We’re all about a fun bath time and these are too cute!
  4. Diner play set – We have a few of these sets and Kinsley loves them!


Thank you Nordstrom for sponsoring this post. As always, all opinions are my own.