I have gotten countless DM’s and emails wanting all the dirt on how we keep our white bedding white with two *huge* dogs and a baby. Today, I’m dishing all my tips. While there is no magical secret to completely prevent your bedding from getting dirty, I do have a few tips and tricks up my sleeve!
People may think it’s crazy to have white bedding, but I actually find it so much easier! As long as the bedding is good quality, it’s so easy to throw it in the wash when the time comes. While stains may not show up as fast on color/printed bedding, you don’t have the option to bleach it.
One of my favorite tricks to sustain the crisp white pre-dog, muddy paw duvet is to keep a thin white coverlet or quilt on top! I personally like mine to be white, just so it gives the same vibe as the pretty one underneath, but you can really do whatever here. Essentially I just lay our older white coverlet over our duvet to guarantee that it isn’t going to get dirty (rainy days, etc.) Personally, I like to use a light coverlet like this one so that my room still has the crisp white vibes but if you don’t have something like this and you’re on a budget, you can always throw a white sheet or old quilt over it! Totally don’t have to buy anything new, use something you already have! But if you are looking, Home Goods and TJ Maxx have coverlets and quilts at great price points!
It’s easy to fall for the beautiful girly frills of some duvets, but when it comes to everyday life and the ability to throw it in the wash, simplicity is best! You can even get a textured duvet (like we have) that won’t wear poorly after washing. I’ve learned the hard way that it’s best to stay away from the ruffles and rouging because they tend to get wrinkled, twisted, and bunched up (here in an example of one that wouldn’t wash well). Making it not only harder to wash, but less appealing when they do come out of the wash. While they look amazing in cozy all styled on the website, aint nobody got time to steam their bedding every week! Can I get an amen?!
Using these tips together help provide a no stress white bedding life.
Are you team white bedding or no?!