Lately, I’ve received a ton of questions asking where certain pieces are from and how to shop my Instagram photos. So, I thought this rainy Austin morning (when Kinsley is napping) would be the perfect time to give you the 411 and hopefully help answer this super frequently asked question!
How Do I Shop Your IG?
I try to make shopping my Instagram photos as easy as possible for you guys by linking everything I can via liketoknow.it. That way no matter what it is (shirt, night side table, lipstick), you can always find what you need within seconds!
What is liketoknow.it?
Basically, liketoknow.it is an easy way for me to link everything in my photos, so that you can shop it all on demand. It’s totally free and very easy to use! I think a lot of people get confused by the liketoknow.it links/app and think it would be complicated to use, but I promise you it’s super simple and that’s why I use it, to make it easiest on YOU. You know those weird looking links in the captions of my Instagram photos lol? That means I have linked it with liketoknow.it.

The App + How to Use it?
Ok, now this is the easy part :)! All you have to do to get all of the deets on all my looks is download the app, the search me (@Courtney_Shields) and click “follow”. Again, it’s totally free and beyond easy to use. You don’t have to download the app, but if you do you can shop all of my looks in one place! As I shared on Instagram, I will also be uploading some exclusive content that won’t make it onto Instagram (swimsuits, beauty, home etc.) for those who do follow the app!
Once you have downloaded the liketoknow.it app you can shop a few ways: ‘like’ or screenshot any my IG pics and they will show up ready to shop within minutes OR just search me in the app “@Courtney_Shields” and you can shop all of my looks in one place!

If you are someone who really doesn’t want to download the app for whatever reason, you can also always shop my Instagram’s via the “shop instagram” page here on BYOB.
I hope that helps!! If you have any other questions, feel free to leave them below and as usual, I’m happy to help!