The idea for this post came when I realized that I could have really used a post like this! I found myself googling and researching newborn/ mom essentials, and (much like trying to figure out what to bring to the hospital – see this post) it was a little hit and miss! Every mom and baby are different. What works for one may not necessarily work for another, but these are all things we have used over and over and over again that Kinsley and I both love! Now that Kinsley is 5 weeks old (where is time going!?), I feel like I’ve gotten a good grip on what our essentials really are, and thought it would be helpful to share my master list.
Newborn Essentials
The Snoo – The Snoo is what we use for Kinsley’s bassinet. She sleeps in it every night and we love it! It’s a pricer item, but totally worth it in my opinion – especially for a new mom. If you aren’t familiar with the Snoo, basically it’s a bassinet that responds to your baby’s cry and rocks them accordingly. In addition to rocking baby, it also has what I like to call a ‘little baby straitjacket’ (lol). The swaddle is my personal favorite aspect, because it attaches to the Snoo and keeps Kinsley from rolling over. I remember sitting up in the hospital, watching her sleep because I was so worried that if I fell asleep she would roll over or the swaddle would come up and cover her nose and mouth. So, knowing that she is safe every night makes the Snoo totally worth the price tag, in my opinion. We also love using our Snoo for naps!
Diapers – We use Pampers! There are a few very obvious things like diapers on my list, but I get asked what we use, so thought I would include everything. I would recommend getting the newborn size and a pack of 1’s to start as well. We used the newborns for the first few weeks and then when we wanted to switch to 1’s it was nice to just have them there ready to go.
Wipes – Wipes seem to be one of those things that everyone has a different favorite. We use Pampers Sensitive and really like them.
Infant Bath – I’m not gonna lie, our first bath was a bit of a hot mess. Kinsley pretty much cried the whole time, and Alex and I didn’t really know what we were doing. Since then, we have learned a lot and all grown to love bath time! We sing, wash her off, and just have a good time. Let me tell you, this infant bath by 4Moms is a total life saver! It shows the temperature, and tells you if it’s too hot or too cold and we love it. It makes bath time stress free and like I said – fun!
Baby body wash/shampoo – We are still experimenting here. Kinsley has sensitive skin, so we go with whatever is the most natural.
Hooded Animal Towel – Of course, you can manage without a cute hooded animal towel, but why would you want to?! lol. She loves her little animal towels because they’re cozy and have hoods, so they keep her little head warm while we dry her off.
Zipper Onesies – No matter what type of clothes you want your little to wear, cozy onesie PJ’s are a must! We love the ones that zip because they’re super easy to get baby in and out of when it’s time for a diaper change.
Boppy – There are two kinds of Boppy’s – the kind that has a center, called the Lounger and the “U” shaped ones. The “U” shaped one is designed for nursing and we love it! We use both, but If I had to pick one of the two, I would probably say to get the one that has a center because it’s more versatile. I use it to nurse Kinsley (she lays on it kind of sideways, so I can prop her up) and she can lay on it to hangout during the day. If you don’t want to invest in a nursing pillow, a regular pillow will work too! Just make sure it’s on the firm side.
Stroller – I researched a lot before deciding on which stroller we wanted. I read reviews, asked friends I trust, and ended up going with the Uppababy Vista. It’s super smooth, easy to use, and lightweight – not to mention it’s cute. This is another item that I totally think is worth the money! For those who have asked, we have the white/silver version called Loic.
Car seat – We went with the Uppababy Mesa here, but found we didn’t need the newborn insert.
Rock n’ Play – A good majority of Kinsley’s naps are spent in her Rock n’ Play. We made the mistake of registering for the one that doesn’t rock (who knew that was a thing?) – oops! and ended up buying a second one that does. We keep one upstairs and one downstairs for convenience. If you can, I’ve found having a few things in different locations to be really helpful. You will end up carrying baby, water, things to nurse etc., so the less you have to move things from upstairs to downstairs, the better. I only put her in her Rock n’ Play for supervised naps (when I’m next to her). I’m trying out the Mamaroo soon and I’ll keep you guys posted on that!
Pacifier – Which we call “pizy’s” in the Albright house. Our favorites are by Wubbanub, because they have little animals attached to them. The animals make them easy to keep track of and she can hold on to them.
Baby Aquafor – Great to have on hand! I keep one upstairs, one downstairs, and one in our diaper bag. It’s great for diaper rash, and I actually use it as chapstick.
Gas drops – These help when baby has gas. We just got our grocery store generic brand.
DockATot – We love our DockATot for lounging around and naps! We like to put it on our bed or couch and have her hangout with us (when we aren’t holding her 🙂 ). For size reference, we have the Deluxe.
Piano Gym– This thing is Kinsley’s FAVORITE for play time! She loves to lay and look up at the toys (and mirror), and we do her tummy time here.
Burp cloths – Perfect for nursing and burping baby. We got a pack of these and ended up ordering another one once we saw how much we used them.
New Mom Essentials
Boob pads – There is probably a more technical term for these, but I like to call them boob pads because that’s what they are. I go through these things like nobody’s business. Just keeping it real! If you have a lot of milk, go for the ultra-protection ones.
Hot + Cold Pads – These are little pads with gel like beads that can either be frozen or heated in the microwave. You can put them inside your nursing bra when you’re lounging at home and need a little relief from a clogged duck or something along those lines. A good friend of mine recommended them and I’ve been really glad to have them on hand many times – especially when the mastitis started coming on!
Nursing Bras – My favorites are by the brand Cake. I love them! They’re super soft, comfy, and easy to nurse in. I recommend getting more than one because you will wear them 24/7!
Pads – This is total personal preference, but you will definitely need pads. I got some thicker, bigger ones for at first and night and then they progressively got thinner as time went on. Also, while you’re at it, google “padsicles”, make a few and have them in your freezer.
Donna Karen ‘Cashmere Mist’ Deodorant – YES, this is a $27 deodorant. YES, it is worth every penny. I remember hearing my friend Lynzy say that no deodorants work postpartum, but really didn’t understand until I was postpartum. I’ve shared this before, but I have raynoids (circulation issue), and basically never sweat, but there is something about postpartum hormones and just trust me, you need this deodorant! Now that I’ve started using it, I’m pretty addicted and don’t think I’ll ever stop! It smells amazing and is a little treat to put on each morning. It’s the little things in life, am I right?
Under Eye Patches – These under eye patches are ahhh-mazing and a total must-have for tired eyes! I share why I love them so much in my “How to Look Well Rested When You Aren’t” post.
Diaper Bag – My two favorites are the Ju-ju-bee BFF and Fawn Designs, just depending on what you’re looking for.
Yeti – This may seem random, but nursing makes me SO thirsty! I loved (really loved) my Yeti before, but now it’s totally essential. I pretty much take it everywhere with me. It keeps my water nice and cold and holds a ton. For those who ask, I have both sizes, but use the biggest one on an everyday basis! Bigger the better when it comes to water, trust me. Bonus – staying hydrated is also great for your milk supply!
Wrap to wear baby – I LOVE baby wearing. It’s a little confusing, but once you get the hang of it it’s a fun way to keep your baby close and still be able to get things done – work, grocery shopping etc. I love my Moby, but recently got a ring sling (by Wildbird) and can’t wait to try that one to see what I like best.
High Waist Leggings – These are a must! They’re super comfy, flattering and suck you in in all the right places.
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Sweater Dress (sold out), similar top with tie sleeves, also cute / Over-the-knee boots – these are amazing and such a steal! They run TTS / Hat