Ok, now that that’s out of my system, we can get to it. In all seriousness, I can hardly contain my excitement. We have only known baby’s gender for 2 days and I feel like I’ve been keeping a secret from my friends! I love that you guys are so excited to find out what we’re having. It truly makes me so happy and I can’t help but feel even closer to you guys throughout this whole journey.
Since I know you’re all excited (and I LOVE you for it!), I won’t torture you any longer…
We’re having a GIRL!!! 🙂
We went to our 20-week appointment on Tuesday and it was easily one of the best days of my life. I was so jittery and a little nervous to find out how she is doing and I couldn’t wait to see her (and, of course, find out that she is a she). We got to see every little bit of baby, her spine, brain, little feet…it was so cool! Once the ultrasound tech was done checking on baby’s health, she looked at us and said – “Do you want to know the gender?” We both instantly said “YES!” I think I may have even shouted it, I was so excited!
For those of you who have asked, we do have a name, but we won’t be announcing it until she’s born!
First and foremost, we are feeling so incredibly blessed that she is healthy! God is so good. Everything feels even more real now that we know we’re having a baby girl. I can’t wait to start her nursery! We spent the past week cleaning the house (still have a long way to go), reorganizing things, and clearing out what is going to be her room.