
My Home Office Reveal

+ pictures, links, and the strategy behind why I still love pen and paper

I am and have always been a paper kinda girl. My three top purchases in college? Forever21 pieces for my weekend wear, bubble tea, and pretty notebooks from the local Barnes and Noble. Let’s just say I may have kept that place in business back in the day.

Don’t get me wrong, I love technology and the convenience it affords to everyday life (plus the connections you can maintain with friends everyone and things like my career that I am endlessly grateful for) but I’ll always have a special place in my heart for paper. There’s something ultra-satisfying about writing on paper, whether it’s a list (I blame Liz for this one) or more of a let it flow, brain dump style of writing. I get some kind of sick satisfaction from crossing items off of my to-do or using a paper calendar, journaling, doodling…you name it, I love it all. 

Bottom line, there’s a little Christmas morning magic in the cracking of a fresh notebook and writing in it for the first time. 

I also love using paper rather than exclusively relying on my phone and computer not only for the aesthetic satisfaction but also because it allows me to take a breath, live in the moment, and slow down a little bit. I find that ditching the electronics from time to time helps me stay focused and avoid the distractions I usually fall victim to when I use my phone. Breaking free from my digital life allows me to take the time to reflect on all the many tasks I accomplished in the day. 

If you haven’t tried your hand (cheesy pun intended) at paper love, I highly recommend it.

My Journaling favorites.

I’ve accumulated these coffee table books over the years and as this office came together I really envisioned bringing them all into the office and using them as a major decor statement. I also added in specific colors to tie in the art and make it pop. I’ll list out all the books I have and was able to link below.

The Books.

  1. Art the Definitive Visual Guide
  2. Tom Ford Hardcover
  3. Fashion New Edition
  4. Yves Saint Laurent 1971
  5. Design Sponge at Home
  6. Icons : 50 Heroines Who Shaped Contemporary Culture
  7. West The American Cowboy
  8. The Authentics
  9. Architectural Digest at 100 : A Century of Style
  10. The Art of Feminisim
  11. The Little Book of Prada
  12. Photography : The Definitive Visual History
  13. Eat Drink Nap
  14. Surf Tribe
  15. Banksy
  16. Bad Girls Throughout History
  17. Live Beautiful

The Decor.