I have to say, being a parent makes Christmas even more fun than it was before. Seriously, there is no contest. Coming from a girl who has always loved Christmas and all it stands for, that’s saying a lot. Now that Kins is two (she’s 26 months), she’s at an age where she gets really excited about the holidays and everything thats comes with it. I’m still deciding exactly what we are doing for her this year, but wanted to share a toddler gift guide with some of her current favorites things we’ve gotten her and presents we’ve received.
Play Makeup set – She LOVES this. If you have little girl who is into playing pretend makeup, they will love this. We received it as a gift for her 2nd birthday and she played with it for 3 days straight. It’s all wooden, so the quality is great and she’s had the best time playing with it.
PlasmaCar – Funny enough, her favorite way to play with this is to push me! If you don’t know what a PlasmaCar is, it’s basically a little car you sit on and turn the wheel back and forth quickly to create forward movement, pretty cool!
Easel – Kins is Also ALL about crafts! She loves coloring, painting, stamps, stickers—all of it. The Easel has been so much fun for her to paint on. We typically put an apron on her and let her go to town. I ask her what colors she feels like using and she’ll pick out a few. We pour them out in a dish and she paints with brushes and sponges, picking her own colors and mixing as she goes. She totally get’s in the zone and loves it. Pro Tip: lay a tarp down underneath, no need to worry about spills!
Tricycoo – This mini bike is super cute because it can either be pushed from the back (there’s a handle) or she can peddle. She can just barely reach the pedals and she’s super tall, so keep that in mind size wise! Even if your little one can’t reach, they can still be pushed until they can.
Scooter + Helmet – The cutest scooter that she loves now and will definitely be able to use for awhile! We also got this helmet with it. She mostly rides it inside but it’s for in or out!
Pottery Barn Kitchenette – This was Kinsley’s present last year and it’s an investment that I’m glad we made. It’s definitely pricey for a toy kitchen but man is it beautiful and great quality! You can of course get more affordable versions of this, I just recommend reading reviews to make sure you choose one that is great quality so it lasts. We love playing kitchen and have some play fruit and lots of other fun accessories to go with it. Pro-tip: Target has really cute and colorful cups, plates etc. for a steal.
Barefoot Dreams Blanket – This is what we refer to as the “magic covies”. We call covers/blankets “covies” and let me tell you, these are absolutely magical. So cozy, soft, big and they have a stretch to them that makes them perfect for cuddles.
Kiwi Co – Kiwi Co would be the cutest gift for any mini (ages 0-16), or any mama who likes to do crafts and fun educational projects with their littles. If you don’t want to gift a toy or something a little more typical, this is such a good option. Every month is a different theme, project— the whole works. They come with easy “how-to” instructions and even a little book surrounding the theme. It’s not only fun and educational, but also a good little bonding moment, and something to look forward to monthly. Basically a gift that keeps on giving! You can also use the code CSHIELDS for the first month free! Just pay $4.95 for shipping ($10.95 for international orders).
Books – We loves book time! We have book time every night before bed and a lot of days we end up reading and playing with her books during the day too. She has tons she really likes (we love doing seasonal ones to teach her about holidays etc.) but I thought it would be helpful to list a few of her favorite to give you a place to start.
Angelina Ballerina (she loves the whole collection and the ballerina)
Camila the Cupcake Fairy, Clara the Cookie Fairy, Lola the Lollypop Fairy, Katie The Candy Cane Fairy
I Am: Positive Affirmations for Kids
Dr Suess’s One Fish Two Fish Three, Four, Five Fish! (Nursery Collection)
Princesses Save The World (The whole collection is great!)
The Game Perfection – This is pretty random, but Alex and I like playing perfection and one day Kinsley started playing with us. It helps her match shapes up with the holes that they go in, which I feel like has been helpful for fine motor skills.
Hatch Baby Rest Sound Machine, Night Light and Time-to-Rise – I just added this to my shopping cart! A girlfriend of mine was telling me about this the other day and I thought it was genius. It’s a clock that changers colors when it times to wake up. That way if your little one wakes up in the middle of the night or a little too early, they learn it’s still time to stay in bed. Also, apparently it’s also a sound machine which I didn’t even realize.
Donut Party Slap Watch – I randomly came across this at a local Austin boutique. It’s a watch but also a snap bracelet which is so fun for Kins. It’s a fun way for her to wear a watch and is at a great price point.
Ice Cream Unicorn Backpack – Lately Kins has been loving carrying her own mini backpack or purse. She has a sparkly unicorn one that was a gift that she carries to ballet with all her stuffed animals.
Magical Glitter Shoelace Charms – These are the cutest little charms that slide right on the shoe laces. They’re a fun little way to spice up the laces. Kins couldn’t stop looking down and pointing at them the other day.
Jellycats- Kins loves stuffed animals. She has a name for every single one, and she names them all on her own. She will carry these all over the house with her and she packs them in her backpack to take them with her on the go. If we forget one of these guys at the house when we leave, game over.
Hydro Flask – The pink was the first color Kins got and she loved it so much that I got her another one in blue (shh she doesn’t know yet lol). She loves to carry it around with her and the straw makes it super easy for her to drink out of. It’s pretty spill proof too which is an added bonus.
Kinsley’s Favorite Christmas Books –
Merry Christmas a Storybook Collection
If your kid is a little younger than Kins check out last years post What Kinsley Got for Christmas for some gift ideas!