When I found out I was pregnant with a girl, I couldn’t wait to get her all the things. Last year, during the Nordstrom sale, I bought Kinsley her first little outfit. Now that she is here (and growing so fast!!), I was really looking forward to the sale this year, not only for mama but also for baby! I love that Nordstrom carries everything for Alex, Kinsley and I all in one place. When buying Kinsley’s clothes I sized 12-18 months so everything will fit her when the weather cools down. I’ve rounded up all the best baby and kid picks for the Nordstrom Sale in todays post!
I’ve also gotten a lot of questions on her schedule lately, so I thought I would include an update here for that too. A few other updates, if you missed me sharing on stories, I have completely stopped nursing and she’s on formula and solid foods! It’s been so much fun watching her try a bunch of different things. As far as formula goes, we have her on “Similac for Supplementation”. I had a lot of questions about that so I wanted to include it. Of course these aren’t always exact times, but we usually stick to it. I know schedules aren’t necessary of everyone, but they have worked SO well for us and we love having one.
Kinsley’s Current (10 Month) Schedule
7:00 am – Wake up + have her first bottle. Play/awake time! Sometimes we go on walks here too (it’s gotten crazy hot here, so if we go, we go early!)
8:00 am – Eat solids
8:30 am – Goes down for her first nap.
She wakes up somewhere between 9:30-10:30 and we play until her next bottle
11:00 am – Bottle + play/awake time
12:00 pm – Solids
12:30 – She goes down for her last nap of the day and usually wakes up between 2-2:30.
3:00 pm – Bottle + more play time! This is usually when I get out and run my errands since it’s her longest awake time.
5:00 pm – Dinner! + then play
6:00 – 7:00 pm – Bath time, her last bottle of the day and books/singing
Thank you to Nordstrom for sponsoring this post, all opinions are my own.