Cue the emotions…I’m 35 weeks today! While on one hand it feels like I’ve been pregnant for ages, it also feels like just yesterday that I called Alex telling him to hurry up and get home with more pregnancy tests ha and now, she will be here in 5 short weeks. Maybe it’s being pregnant that’s accelerating things, but time is absolutely flying right now. My mind has been racing the fast few days with all kinds of questions…when will she come? how will it be? Being a first time Mom, I honestly have no idea what to except and it’s a crazy combination of about a billion emotions. It’s been a little while since I’ve done an update, so here goes 🙂
How far along: 35 weeks today
How big is baby: Baby girl is the size of a pineapple today! Roughly 5lbs
What I’m wearing: I’m pretty much still sticking to non-maternity favorites that are comfy and of course, stretchy! HA. Todays dress is a favorite of mine and such a steal, that I couldn’t resist!
Sleep: Sleep? What’s that? But really! I just started diffusing lavender essential oil in our room at night and that seems to be helping the fast few nights. Speaking of, if anyone else uses essential oils and has favorite recipes to defuse, I would love if you could comment and let me know :).
Miss Anything: Sleep, denim shorts and being able to fit places (HA).
Movement: Baby Albright is a big time mover! What’s crazy now is looking down and seeing my whole stomach move as she does. She especially loves hearing Alex’s voice and moves every time he talks to her or even just puts his hand on my belly – it’s the sweetest thing ever!
Cravings: Still mostly fruit! Watermelon, peaches, grapes…oh and the occasional french fries! YUM.
How I’m feeling: Excited, nervous and about every other emotion in the book. I’m also in major nesting mode over here. I keep joking with Alex that no room in our house is safe! Currently: cleaning, organizing and donating tons and it feels so good!
My dress is from Vici Dolls, you can use code: COURTNEY20 for a discount at checkout. I’ve also linked a few of my favorite everyday dresses below, all under $60!