I can’t believe baby girl is 22-weeks today and I am over halfway into my pregnancy! I am having the best time working on her nursery and can’t wait to share it with you guys. We (and by we, I mean Alex) started painting the walls last week. It definitely took longer than we expected haha, but was so worth it in the end because I absolutely love how it turned out! I’ve picked out her crib, rug, and dresser. We just moved it into her room today and I am so smitten with it all! I can’t wait to walk into her room one day with her in it. There’s something about designing her room that is beginning to make her arrival feel so real!
How far along: 22-weeks today!
How big is baby: Baby girl is the size of a coconut this week. 10.9 inches long and 15.1 ounces – so crazy!
Maternity clothes: I’ve pretty much found myself sticking to dresses (non-maternity) haha. They are by far the most comfortable and always a cute summer option, so why not?
Sleep: I’ve been sleeping pretty well, but having crazy dreams! Anyone else?
Miss Anything: Cut-off shorts and sushi.
Movement: I can finally feel her distinct movements and it’s the most amazing feeling! I mostly feel her on the inside and each time it is only a few kicks. I can’t wait until I can feel her even more! I keep getting excited when I feel her and immediately call Alex over, but by the time he gets to me, she’s stopped! I’m so excited for him to be able to feel baby girl too.
Cravings: Watermelon! Watermelon has always been my favorite fruit, but I have really been craving it lately.
How I’m feeling: I’m feeling good! I’m still having a few backaches because ‘the girls’ are large and in charge, but other than that I’m feeling great. I have really enjoyed pregnancy so far! I feel like the second half of my pregnancy is going to start flying by and I want to soak in every minute I can!
Thank you all so much for reading and commenting on these bumpdates. I am loving sharing this journey with you guys and it makes me so happy that you guys love it too!