One of my 2019 goals (that I’m currently failing at) has been to be better about date nights. Having a toddler and running a business is no joke and one of the first things that tends to go is date night. Anyone else know this struggle? In efforts to be better about prioritizing getting out, I placed an order for a few new date night outfits. It’s kind of like working out, don’t you feel like you get a better workout when you have a cute new outfit? I totally think that having a few date night outfits makes me want to take them out for a spin. Nordstrom is such an easy online destination for really every occasion because they carry everything from beauty, to the perfect outfit, shoes etc.
When it comes to date night looks I want something a little sexier and spicier than my day-to-day mom life looks ha but also something I’m comfortable in because for me, if I don’t feel comfortable I won’t feel cute. Fact.
Dress (4). Shoes (8). Bag (similar).
Dress (XS). Bag. Shoes (8).
Dress (S). Bag (similar). Shoes.
Thank you Nordstrom for sponsoring this post. As always, all opinions are my own.